Homecoming Pep Rally & Tailgating, Thoughts and Photos

Blake David, Staff Writer

Starting off the homecoming events was the annual pep rally! Everyone was in the crowd, students and teachers alike. All of the athletes, chorus and band members were all on the field hyping the crowd up for the events to come! Each team had two people go out to the middle of the field and participate in a relay race and then the cheerleaders did their halftime performance for everyone to watch! I had the opportunity to be on the field and interact with athletes from all the different sports! I asked them some questions and got the chance to hangout with them during the event, and below are the questions they were asked.



Why do you think the pep rally is so important, especially this year?

“It brings the school back together after a very hard two years. It brings up school spirit and morale after the rough year everyone has had.” – Olivia Kurtz, Girls Cross Country Team


Having the pep rally today do you think it gives the student body hope that we can have more school wide events again?

“Yes, it brings the school together as a community, and it makes everyone excited to be back to a semi-normal school year.” – Victoria Kiste, Girls Soccer


Are you happy that things are starting to get back to normal to the point where we can have these events again?

“Yes I am, this is such an exhilarating experience for me because I never got to stand on the field since last year there was no pep rally.” – Katie Lopez, Field Hockey

“I am so happy that we are starting to get back to normal because it finally feels like I am going to get the normal high school experience like the beginning of my freshman year.” – Olivia Smith, Field Hockey


What is your favorite thing about stepping onto the field every Friday night?

“The adrenaline rush and just being able to play for my school, it brings me joy.” – Cody Wohlrab, Varsity Football

“I love hearing the roar of the crowd and everyone screaming my name. The love and support of everyone really just makes my entire night, win or lose, worth it.” – Giacomo Calamita, Varsity Football


When you come onto the field and everyone starts to cheer, how does that make you feel?

“It’s great, stepping onto the soccer field and hearing my classmates and parents cheering not only me but everyone on the soccer field makes me feel so energized and proud of what we are doing.” Tim Bertscha, Boys Soccer


What surprised you the most about coming back this year?

“What surprised me the most was actually everyone’s appearances, everyone looks so much older and more mature than they did 2 years ago.” – Jenelle Cloud, Gymnastics

“Coming back we realized that teachers are more considerate about certain things and the people in general are just nicer.” – Sophia Monteforte, Victoria Kiste, and Carly Shein, Girls Soccer


How does cheering on the football team and energizing the crowd make you feel? 

“I feel really great when I am cheering on the field. After a year of Covid and heavy restrictions I am happy to see a large amount of faces and school pride!” – Alanna Kates, Cheerleading


The events did not just stop at the pep rally — right after school starting at 4:00, we had our annual tailgate! Games like cornhole and Kam-Jam were played and grilled food like hotdogs and hamburgers were served. There was also a DJ there who played everyone’s favorite songs, getting them pumped up to cheer on their favorite players! There was also a photo booth where people in all different grades got a chance to take pictures with their friends! It was a wonderful event where everyone could actually have fun and enjoy themselves once again! I asked FTHS students some questions and got the chance to hangout with them before the game, and below are the questions they were asked.


What is your favorite thing about the tailgate?

“We have all had a really tough time [this last year], so it is really nice seeing everyone come together after a difficult year playing games and just being together as one student body.” – Emily Landolfi


Why do you think so many people come to the football games all dressed up and ready to go crazy for their favorite players on the field?

“I think that students and parents alike dress up because it is something fun to do on a Friday night and it is always nice to show your support for your favorite player on the field.”  – Kim Aung


Why do you think it is important that we have events like this?

“It is important to have these events because it really brings the community together, and after this last year with Covid and everything, it is very important to have a community that you trust and have these events with.” – Julie Flynn