Pop Poetry: Summer
March 13, 2021
Do not fret for our future
Do not fret if I am to find someone new
Who’s as interesting as you
because you will be the one that i chose
Do not fret for the time we must spend apart
For I will love with my whole heart
The songs that repeat for us where we had started
From the moments we had before we departed
They passed like seconds
The moments and patches of all I remember
The time we had been together
Rather than the time that we had been severed
Do not fret for my memory
Do not fret for my state of mind
because the second we lock eyes i see clear blue skies
flooded with dew drop sized rain falling perfectly on my head
enough to drip but not too wet
To see the puddles on the ground but the drizzle in the clouds
Too heavy to carry their condensed water made crown
A car door open on a suburban street
And us with no shoes while it drizzles and lightly rains
Dancing to our music and the laughs we used to make
When I am to describe what I envision that is what i see
A picture perfect sky and hair damp from the heat
Falling into spring and the showers of May or June
As summer approaches humming our tune
Oh love of mine how someday you will die
But I’ll be close behind
I’ll follow you into the dark
Death Cab For Cutie blasts through the door speakers
And we shiver and whimper at our scraped, and bare feet
Suburbia never looked so much like home than with you
I can see everything
I can picture everything
I see us in our 20s dancing in the rain
The minor chords and how they sway
Oh how I beg for the days
To speed up
but not too much to where the song seems to end before we are finished
That our dance is to the death
That our souls are tangled and one
That I am not your other half
That we are not each other’s halves
Or that together we are somehow whole
But we are complemented
By the feeling that every time it rains
I call out your name
and I will run down the hall to
Only to rush down the stairs
And out the front door
Grabbing the keys to the car
With my feet still bare
Slow but hurried down the streets
Through back ways of the suburbs avoiding major sleet
When I would be able to drive confidently enough to go that far
And prop up in my seat as I park
Leaving the driver door ajar on your street blasting
Our music
all through the air
hopefully just loud enough to wake you up from here
Because I would drop everything and call out your name
To make you wake
So i could see your face
our lives and fates intertwined as we run away
And make our own way
Our own path
our own home
With chords
Slightly solemn from the puddles to which we had walked in
Slightly mummified from the time we had shared since
I haven’t seen you
All of you
I only see half
I don’t see the freckles,
The lines,
Or the dimples
The way your face scrunches as you laugh
And when you must depart
I look into your eyes and try to find the trust once lost as I try to heal from your lies but I don’t feel good enough or perceptive enough to tell if when you say I love you you are speaking only the truth I know you don’t want to hurt me but the point becomes moot when I am left crying from your lying
we can love from afar if we need
And know that every time it rains I know you will think of me
While I think of you
Running down the stairs again at midnights blinding sight where the moon is full and bright you are close enough to share the moon but if physical distance was our only persistence I’d run miles to see you
I would hitch a ride on the back of a train while singing our songs and passing time coming up with lines you’d just call cliche
In the outfits I feel comfortable in but you complain they all look the same
You like me but I don’t like me
I don’t like my shape or my size
My laugh,
My cry,
My voice,
I only love my words
But seeing as my words are what make me me I can say that I love myself calmly
Because I can write line for line
Everything I feel
With my tongue skilled enough
From injuries just half healed
I am the hair on my mother’s head
And the tint in my fathers cheeks
I am the king that sleeps inside my bed
That calms your storms
That makes me dread
For nights to go faster and days to never end
I feel endless
We feel endless
When I am to think I am never not thinking of you
And the plans for my future only prove the things I wish to say to you
What I want and what I envision
and though it sounds very repetitive
My cliche words and how they fall but I had fallen before my words
You had fallen before me
And though I saw you lying on the floor
I never envisioned you lying to me because you caught me when I fell
And my life feels complete because you are the one thing I wanted in my life
A love to last through throughout this life
and how ever many more are next
My heart is filled with puddles
But my mind is filled with shoes
“Put them on and run” it says
But my eyes cry tears of blue when I am confused
Because you love me and I love you but we are in a duel
With fate and social rules
Where they have to like me before you do
And if they disapprove
They send you far far away to a place you cannot stay
A place where boys will walk in and out of frame
I want to stay
I want to stay
I want to stay
You pushed me away and for what
The voice inside me head tells me that you are draining the puddles in my heart
That you only talk enough to keep my mind from running wild
But my heart is still waiting for a day to sit idle
I deserve safety
I deserve love
I want to talk I don’t want to run
I never wanted to run
I don’t want to
But the voice just comes back up
I wish for rain
I wish for you
I wish for the Queen of clubs
With my hearted king in hand
For times we don’t have to weep
For us to have a plan
To be a family that is all I want and ask
I am distracted by your presence in my mind from thinking about you all the time
I wish to write more lines but I’m running out of time
How am I to take the leap and do what I need to do without having the stability you bring into my life
The help you give by just being present to quell my dreams and absent driver on my train of thought that I jumped on thinking it would take me back to you but the train never stops
It never stops
it never