Pop Poetry: Memories

Beau Romanowski, Staff Writer

You seem so familiar, 

You seem so much like her,

I wish you didn’t but you do and now that’s all that’s in view 

When you look at me with those big brown eyes 

never escaping their natural shade of honey in the light of the fluorescence


I think of all the times when you would brush past each other 

The miss-communicated unaware grazing of elbows and shoulders

While trying not to be disheveled by the roar of foot traffic within  the seemingly narrow halls,

Or the grasp for further balance on a table or arm rest.


I think about the times when you would look at me like no one else was there

But those were accidents,

These Are Just Memories


I swear they don’t affect me anymore,


It depends


Do you still– no

It’s not happening again 

Everything was just a memory

Just a memory

I forgot them I swear


But if you ever were to ask…


I’d remind you of the times you’d hold your hand in mine,

Unafraid of the barreling mobs of people crashing back and forth like tidal waves,

Where we would graze and touch and stare,

Like we were alone


And I’d remind you how I did not know that it was just me,

who remembered these moments and memories.