Glamour Gals Comes to FTHS

December 12, 2014
It’s striking that in the age of mass communication there is such a great disconnect between the elderly and the youth. There is so much that teens could learn from people who have already experienced a great deal of life.
Rachel Doyle, the founder of Glamour Gals, believed in building a meaningful connection between the two generations and that is exactly what the FTHS Glamour Gals chapter hopes to do.
Glamour Gals strives to create a movement of teen leaders who care about the women who have shaped the past and will hopefully affect their futures. This national organization was founded after Rachel Doyle watched her own grandmother suffer from loneliness during her time in an assisted living home. As it turns out, many women in senior homes do not have many visitors, as their families are either too busy or live too far away. The proposed cure to elder loneliness is to have dedicated volunteers visit and interact with these women.
Every month, the FTHS chapter will go to a local senior home, including the Manor and Applewood Estates in Freehold, and spend an afternoon getting to know the women who live there. Through complimentary makeovers, they hope to restore a sense of beauty and self-confidence in these women while allowing them to share their stories.
For chapter members, Glamour Gals is a great opportunity to be a leader and a volunteer in our community.
At chapter meetings, members will create crafts, decorations and gifts to share with the senior homes for different occasions and holidays. Fundraising will be crucial for buying new makeup supplies and hosting different events. The goal by the end of the year is to hold a senior citizen prom in the spring for the women they will work with throughout the year. This organization is about so much more than makeovers and manicures; it’s about building a sense of community and confidence between women of two generations.
On November 22nd, some of the FTHS chapter leaders attended the GLTI leadership training institute in New York City. At the GLTI, these leaders participated in leadership-training workshops, listened to inspirational speakers, and met with volunteers from different chapters. This was really amazing day to learn more about the organization and how to do more for the community.
If Glamour Gals sounds like a really fun way to volunteer, that’s because it is so rewarding in many ways. Every volunteer has the chance to earn the Hot Pink Leadership Certificate for 20 hours of service by the end of the year and the chance to attend the Glammy Awards in NYC, where scholarships will be awarded to deserving volunteers. And most importantly, every volunteer has the chance to impact the life of another woman.
Check out the Twitter for updates on events and meetings: @FTHSGlamourGals