Mr. FTHS Candidate Profile: Michael Carino

Name: Michael Carino

Nickname: Mike (MC)


Why do you want to be in Mr. FTHS?
I want to show everybody what they are missing and have a good time while doing it.


What does Freehold Township HS mean to you?

Freehold Township means forming your character for the person you choose to be.


What clubs/activities/hobbies are you involved with at FTHS or outside of FTHS?

I’m involved in Film Club and Red Cross Club. I also do recreational basketball on the side.


How would you describe yourself?

I’m a goofy human being, who is secretly self-centered, but loves to make people smile and/or aroused.


Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you think you have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS?

I have the charisma, humility, and kindness of a person who isn’t afraid of any situation. I love having good times and want more people beside me to as well.


Who is your favorite person and why?

My favorite person is Bruce Lee because he is athletic, loves Kung-Fu, and is a little cocky and has some heart.


What do you love most about FTHS?

I love meeting and interacting with the student body.


Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

I see myself getting my doctors degree for dermatology and getting the girl of my dreams.


Describe your ideal date?

My ideal date would be a lovely dinner where I would serenade my love with charm and stare endlessly in each other’s eyes and kiss.


What is your passion in life?

My passion in life is to make people happy and laugh, or make a good lasting impression on them.