Kyle Chalfin

Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

– I want to be Mr. FTHS because it would be a storybook ending to my four years here FTHS. I remember watching Matt Madonna get crowned during my freshman year and I thought he was the coolest kid ever. These past couple of years I have been waiting for my turn to participate in this competition. Now that the competition is here, I am going to give it my all to hopefully be crowned just like Matt.


What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at FTHS?

– The most valuable lesson I have learned at FTHS is that time flies by while in high school, and that you should make the most of the time you have here. I remember walking into high school for the first time and my freshman year memories feel like they were yesterday. These four years have been the most fun and exciting four years of my life, and I am grateful to have made some great memories.


How would your teachers or advisors describe you?

– My teachers/advisors would describe me as a hard-working and caring person. They would say that I respect my classmates and that I put in the effort needed to be successful in the class. My coaches would describe me as diligent and motivating. My coaches would say that I spread positivity to my teammates and that I show focus and concentration during games and practices.


What staff member at FTHS has had the biggest impact on your life? 

– Mr. Herbert has had the biggest impact on my life. Every so often Mr. Herbert presents speeches to our class about certain life lessons. Mr. Herbert’s words have always stuck with me. Mr. Herbert has taught me how to spread positivity throughout the FTHS community and how to make the most out of my personal life.


If you could go back to freshman year what would you change and why?

– If I could go back to freshman year, I would join more clubs. There were a few clubs that seemed interesting (Latin Club and Seeds of Africa) but I ultimately decided not to join them. If could go back, I would join these clubs and I guarantee I would have made more friendships and experienced unforgettable memories.


Do you have a special talent?

– My singing and dancing ability is something that makes me stand out in a crowd. Jack Goldsmith and I are prepared to take the stage and give it our all in a mixture of singing and dancing.

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