Justin Singer

Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

– I would love to represent my school as Mr. FTHS. I feel as if Mr. FTHS should be a student who is a courteous student, who is active in and outside of the classroom, and I feel as if I fit that criteria. If I was Mr. FTHS I would represent my school well and be a leader for others.


What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at FTHS?

– To take the most out of my opportunities and get involved. As a senior, I feel like I have lost a good amount of my high school experience due to COVID. However, when I have the chance to participate in something in or outside of school, I try my best to do it. Spending time with my friends and peers has made me a better person and allowed me to have a fun time at FTHS.


How would your teachers or advisors describe you?

– They would describe me as outgoing and supportive. I am always willing to go out of my way to help and assist others. I think people see that in not only the classroom, but in sports and other activities.


What staff member at FTHS has had the biggest impact on your life? 

– Mr. Erbig had a big impact on my life my sophomore year and ever since. Mr. Erbig always has fun in his class while we learn a lot at the same time. He always checks up on his students and makes sure they are doing good and staying well at the same time. Having a teacher around that has always checked up on my well-being, and goes out of his way to talk to me has had a positive impact on me.


If you could go back to freshman year what would you change and why?

– I would join more clubs. I only participate in two clubs currently but feel as if I only joined those clubs because my friends did. I didn’t really meet new people through these clubs, but I wish I did. Meeting new people earlier on in high school would have allowed me to expand myself and get to know new people. These friendships could have lasted all the way to now, my senior year.


Do you have a special talent?

– I can sing and perform in a duet and stun a whole entire audience.

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