Jack Vlacich

Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

– Being crowned this name would be dope, after watching as a freshman I want to participate.


What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at FTHS?

– Take advantage of your time, it goes quick.


How would your teachers or advisors describe you?

– Definitely funny, and outgoing.


What staff member at FTHS has had the biggest impact on your life?

– Mr. Erbig, during sophomore year (COVID year) I was the only student in his classroom at times and was able to build a friendship through a tough period of times that lacked social ability.


If you could go back to freshman year what would you change and why?

– Putting myself out there more because it was cut short and I wasn’t able to fulfill myself for as much as I could.


Do you have a special talent?

– I would say my physical skills like doing pushups. I would do a pushup contest against another contestant.

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